August 08 2015
Please Rate US :) If you love us, please rate us, it will help us with future grants etc.
If you could take a minute and click the link below and rate our charity we would be so grateful to you for your help!
Cat Updates
Sweet Sasha lost her fight with cancer. She had some good last days, lots of visitors and staff loving on her
Sweet Sasha was only with us for a few months but I think she was happy here. Below is a video made of her playing when she first arrived.
Snicker is doing well, eating etc.
Hair is finally growing in, looking less motley
Wifi is doing well :) He has been neutered and is now caged in the Wed. Ustream room to get adjusted to the other cats. I removed his feeding tube today.
Autumn is doing well
Casey is doing well. The lung biopsy came back as a benign cyst! YEAH! Surgery was the only it was going to disappear. She is going back for one last set of X-rays and then she will be released by the vet.
Greta had suddenly lost a pound over a few days. Her blood work actually gives us little guess as to why she has stopped eating. And she is not eating. She now has a feeding tube and we are waiting on a GI panel blood test that takes a bit longer to come back from the lab.
Boots is doing well, is now on steroid therapy
Let’s talk about feeding tubes. If your cat is not eating there is a serious chance of liver lipidosis. This is SEVERE and LIVE THREATENING! If your cat is not eating, take it very serious!! If your cat is not eating, take the cat immediately to the vet! You can choose to syringe feed your cat BUT you will be spending many hours giving your cat the amount of food they need. Talk to your vet to determine the amount of food to feed to give them the amount of calories they need. It could be 160 CC’s or more! Syringe feeding is difficult for you and the cat that does not want to eat. Discuss with your vet having a feeding tube inserted. Feeding becomes so much less stressful on you and the cat. Feeding tubes save lives!
Here is a video showing me tube feeding Greta
Here is a great website to get the kitty kollars we use for the feeding tube. Your vet may use these collars, if not, you will wish they did. So much easier! They also have syringe supplies.
Thank you for voting for us in the kitty litter contest! You helped us win 1000 pounds of Freshstep!
A cute video of Pepper & Brandy showing that leukemia positive cats can have a fun life :)
We hope you will help us with our Pet Oxygen Mask fund raiser! We are buying 210 masks to be placed on all of the local Fire Trucks. Keep in mind, they would be the ones that would saving our cats if something ever happened! HERE
Some of the wonderful kitty items being generously shared by our eBay sellers with the cats! Thank you so much for your generosity! HERE
T-shirt fund raiser $8. of each cat shirt will be donated to BCR. You can get yours HERE
OCTOBER OPEN HOUSE will be Our Birthday Party!! Celebrating 10 years of helping blind cats! We hope you can join us :)
Stephanie & her mom Bonnie came from Denver to visit the cats this week.
Stephanie sponsors both Tabitha & Boone
Stephanie sharing a minute with Gallie
YOU can come visit YOUR sponsor kitty!
FREE WAYS to Help The Cats Click every day: Do you shop with Schawns? Use our link and it helps the cats: Do you shop with Amazon? Shop through and pick Blind Cat Rescue as your charity and their foundation will make a donation to the cats Make your own fund raiser for the cats. Share your birthday, anniversary or anything else you would like. Do you like to run, walk, jog? Download the resqwalk app, pick Blind Cat rescue and then will donate to us for every mile you walk. Apple and droids :) Vote each day one vote per day, just put in the 2 words blind cat ignore the portal error message after the captch, it is counting your vote
Start your own Charity fund raiser to help change the life of a needy animal! HERE
As you do your estate planning, please consider a gift to Blind Cat Rescue
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Gina came to visit and play with the cats
Thank you for reading!
Last night she began having respiratory issues and was hospitalized. We suspect aspiration pneumonia.
August 08 2015
Please Rate US :) If you love us, please rate us, it will help us with future grants etc.
If you could take a minute and click the link below and rate our charity we would be so grateful to you for your help!
Cat Updates
Sweet Sasha was only with us for a few months but I think she was happy here. Below is a video made of her playing when she first arrived.
Snicker is doing well, eating etc.
Wifi is doing well :) He has been neutered and is now caged in the Wed. Ustream room to get adjusted to the other cats. I removed his feeding tube today.
Autumn is doing well
Casey is doing well. The lung biopsy came back as a benign cyst! YEAH! Surgery was the only it was going to disappear. She is going back for one last set of X-rays and then she will be released by the vet.
Boots is doing well, is now on steroid therapy
Greta had suddenly lost a pound over a few days. Her blood work actually gives us little guess as to why she has stopped eating. And she is not eating. She now has a feeding tube and we are waiting on a GI panel blood test that takes a bit longer to come back from the lab.
Let’s talk about feeding tubes. If your cat is not eating there is a serious chance of liver lipidosis. This is SEVERE and LIVE THREATENING! If your cat is not eating, take it very serious!! If your cat is not eating, take the cat immediately to the vet! You can choose to syringe feed your cat BUT you will be spending many hours giving your cat the amount of food they need. Talk to your vet to determine the amount of food to feed to give them the amount of calories they need. It could be 160 CC’s or more! Syringe feeding is difficult for you and the cat that does not want to eat. Discuss with your vet having a feeding tube inserted. Feeding becomes so much less stressful on you and the cat. Feeding tubes save lives!
Here is a video showing me tube feeding Greta
Here is a great website to get the kitty kollars we use for the feeding tube. Your vet may use these collars, if not, you will wish they did. So much easier! They also have syringe supplies.
A cute video of Pepper & Brandy showing that leukemia positive cats can have a fun life :)
We hope you will help us with our Pet Oxygen Mask fund raiser! We are buying 210 masks to be placed on all of the local Fire Trucks. Keep in mind, they would be the ones that would saving our cats if something ever happened! HERE
Some of the wonderful kitty items being generously shared by our eBay sellers with the cats! Thank you so much for your generosity! HERE
T-shirt fund raiser $8. of each cat shirt will be donated to BCR. You can get yours HERE
OCTOBER OPEN HOUSE will be Our Birthday Party!! Celebrating 10 years of helping blind cats! We hope you can join us :)
Stephanie sponsors both Tabitha & Boone
She and her mother came all the way from Denver to visit her sponsor kitties!
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Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed!