These list do not list them all. I would personally suggest yougo to and contact some of your local shelters andask them where the spay/neuter clinics are in your area.Also in some areas if you receive social service programs youmay also qualify for free spay and neuter services, contact yourlocal animal control facility or health department.You may have to do a little bit of work to find affordable spay/neuterservices, but you have to commit to being part of the solution and not part of the problem by fixing your pet :)
February is National Spay/Neuter Awareness Month.
We are selling these wonderful spay/neuter shirts as a fund raiserto help us spay/neuter 1500 homeless cats this year.We hope you will get one :) 100% of the net proceeds willbe used to spay or neuter a homeless animal. Here is the link:
Meet Gina
Sweet Gina came to us from the pound in Manhattan NYThis video is a short story of how she came to live with us.
Her pound picture
Amazing what a difference quality care can make
Gina & Seth
Gina sharing kisses with visitors
Gina & Ginny
Cat Update
His biopsy came back as not cancer, but we are still not surewhat it actually is. The specialist had our vet pulled bloodand send out another test, we are not thinking maybefungal? We will know next week
Took Jake back to Raleigh for an endoscope but he had developed an upper respiratory infection so came homeon antibiotics, we are supposed to go back and try againlate February.
Licorice developed a sudden eye ulcer destroying hiscornea (that is not uncommon with a detached retina, it isnot getting as good of blood flow) The vet felt it would beeasier on him to just remove the eye since he can not seeout of it than having to have medication etc put in the eye6-8 times a day. We agreed, so he will be home Monday.
We are very grateful to our wonderful supporters thatshare so generously with the cats. Nancy madethis beautiful hand made quilt for us to auction off.
OPEN HOUSE SCHEDULE:Saturday 2/14, 3/14, 4/18noon - 4 pm
We have a super duper big surprise for the MarchOpen house! If you have been wanting to come visitbut couldn’t decide when, I think you will love the bigsurprise we have for you!! We do still have room atthe guest house for March but it is filling up fast! Alsoat the end of the open house you all may choose to doa sleep in with the cats :) Bring your sleeping bags :)
February is National Spay/Neuter Awareness Month.Pets can get pregnant as young as 4 months old. Researchshows that dogs and cats can safely be spayed and neuteredat 2 months of age or 2 pounds of weight. (I have always wondered why on earth some vets say wait until a cat is 6 months to be spayed!) There is a very interesting article about spay and neutering here: your pet has not been spayed, here are a few links to affordablespay/neuter clinics: list do not list them all. I would personally suggest yougo to and contact some of your local shelters andask them where the spay/neuter clinics are in your area.Also in some areas if you receive social service programs youmay also qualify for free spay and neuter services, contact yourlocal animal control facility or health department.You may have to do a little bit of work to find affordable spay/neuterservices, but you have to commit to being part of the solution and not part of the problem by fixing your pet :)
We are selling these wonderful spay/neuter shirts as a fund raiserto help us spay/neuter 1500 homeless cats this year.We hope you will get one :) 100% of the net proceeds willbe used to spay or neuter a homeless animal. Here is the link:
Meet Gina
Sweet Gina came to us from the pound in Manhattan NYThis video is a short story of how she came to live with us.
Her Pound Picture
Now, much healthier and happier :)
She is a love bug, having a talk with Seth
Giving kisses to a visitors
For Gina, she she one of the lucky ones that gets to havea happy ending thanks to the kindness of our wonderfulsupporters that make it so we can provide a safe placefor kitties like her. I know she would give you kisses as thanksif she could :)
Cat Update
His biopsy came back as not cancer, but we are still not surewhat it actually is. The specialist had our vet pulled bloodand send out another test, we are not thinking maybefungal? We will know next week.
Took Jake back to Raleigh for an endoscope but he had developed an upper respiratory infection so came homeon antibiotics, we are supposed to go back and try againlate February.
Licorice developed a sudden eye ulcer destroying hiscornea (that is not uncommon with a detached retina, it isnot getting as good of blood flow) The vet felt it would beeasier on him to just remove the eye since he can not seeout of it than having to have medication etc put in the eye6-8 times a day. We agreed, so he will be home Monday.
We are very grateful to our wonderful supporters thatshare so generously with the cats. Nancy madethis beautiful hand made quilt for us to auction off.
OPEN HOUSE SCHEDULE:Saturday 2/14, 3/14, 4/18
We have a super duper big surprise for the MarchOpen house! If you have been wanting to come visitbut couldn’t decide when, I think you will love the bigsurprise we have for you!! We do still have room atthe guest house for March but it is filling up fast! Alsoat the end of the open house you all may choose to doa sleep in with the cats :) Bring your sleeping bags :)